The Solution to Poor Health

There's an expensive belief that the solution to poor health is more health care. Ironically, well-researched studies and the CDC argue against this belief – as costs and utilization of healthcare services have risen, so too has the prevalence of chronic disease.
Our health care system does an excellent job treating acute illness. However, our record reversing or curing chronic disease is much less impressive.
How, then, can we best approach our chronic disease crisis? At EHOP Health, we believe the answer is relatively simple: Eat Well, Move Well, and Live Well. There's nothing more rewarding than celebrating with people whose blood pressure has normalized and whose waist circumference is melting away after their first three months of embracing a Journey to Health.
Let's focus on reversing chronic disease through education, coaching, and lifestyle change, and let healthcare do what it does best – putting people on the road to recovery after accidents and unexpected illnesses. The solution to poor health is good health, and for most people, good health comes from making better choices.
Ready to learn more about how we got into this predicament, and the steps you can take to restore health? Check out The Skinny on Fat, our educational presentation available for companies, groups, and civic organizations. It's time to start a healthy conversation.