It's that time of year again -- the annual KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey reports that average premiums for employer-sponsored health plans increased to $18,764 for families and $6,690 for individuals:
While smaller than previous increases, it's still an absolutely stunning amount to spend on health "insurance" especially when combined with increasing deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums.
What could the average American family do with another $18,000 per year? As we noted in Waiting for a Raise, pretty much all wage increases over the past twenty years have gone straight into increasing healthcare costs.
The good news is that there is a solution.
Consider the experience of a North Carolina hosiery mill who embarked on their first Journey 2 Health just ten months ago. Here's what happened:
At baseline, 11% of their J2H participants had a blood pressure below 130/85. After ten months, that has improved to 67%.
The percent of participants with a waist circumference < 40" (Male) or 35" (Female) at baseline was also 11%. That number is now 22%.
Average BP went from 136/91 to 127/80.
Average waist circumference went from 44.7" to 41.8"
Percentage of people reporting Moderate to Severe inflammatory symptoms has decreased from 45% at baseline to 6% currently.
So what is the Journey 2 Health? It's a comprehensive twelve month curriculum with team and individual health coaching that teaches participants to Eat Well, Move Well, and Live Well to reverse metabolic disease and safely build strength for a lifetime.
It's not a quick fix. But another year from now you'll wish you had started today.
Interested in the Journey 2 Health for your company? Contact us. Interested in your own personal Journey 2 Health? Get started today.